Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why the sad face?........

His baby brother flew the coop today - He has decided to take a break from school for a semester and work for his uncle in florida.....

His little nephews and his little niece are sure gonna miss him.......

He's twenty now - I just can't believe how time has flown by......

I'm gonna miss that goofy face he makes and his big sister (second mama) will miss him too....

She worked really hard and made him this sweet birthday cake - a labor of love.....

Michael you will never probably read this but if you do..........Take care my baby boy and know that you are so loved and will be so missed! I'm gonna miss those drop in visits and the sweet concern in those baby blue eyes when you see your (elderly) mom mowing the yard on a hot summer day and say "Mom, I could have done that for you." I'm gonna miss those hugs that squeeze so tight and always have to pick my feet up off the floor...I'm gonna miss our lunch dates that I wish I had done more of....always reaching for your wallet to pay (as if I'm gonna let you:) (but grinning because you know you don't have any money anyway) I'm really gonna miss just knowing that you are down the road and close enough to come over for dinner!
I'll be praying for you and I'm so thankful to know that you are at least around family that love you too! I guess I'll need to make more visits to Florida......Hey I can handle that!!! I love you Michael:)


MH said...

This is really sweet mom. And again...made me cry! I kind of wanted to sob but then I remembered Michael smacks me on the butt a lot and I don't like it:)

Cheryl said...

Give it some time and you may even miss the smacks on the butt:)

TC23 said...

When do Travis and I get a blog post? Just sayin...

Cheryl said...

I will - promise...just have to space them out so I don't run out of material:)

Jen said...


Unknown said...

Beautifully said and the pictures captured true feelings of love. Michael is so blessed to have a wonderful family in Indiana and Tennessee and Florida. I can also handle you guys coming to Fl. more-you could not be more welcome.AND LOVED. Mom