Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Life in the Midwest?

I survived one of my biggest fears last week...I was taking a shower - turned off water - picked up towel - thought I saw something on the towel - didn't have in contacts - shook the towel.....nothing......then I saw it!!! A huge brown recluse spider crawling up my left arm!!! YIKES! Needless to say I flung him off and jumped out of shower shrieking in fear all in one move! My husband who thought no telling what was going on in the bathroom killed him with his bare hands. My hero! Anytime I feel anything touch me I'm just so sure it's one of his friends coming for revenge. The bug man is coming today - I'm moving all furniture and we are going to cover as much area as possible with his possibly cancer causing chemicals. Hmmm - I may be weird but that sounds a lot less scary to me than the alternative......and you bet I won't be taking showers without my contacts now!


Teresa Young said...

much better picture!!! thanks!!

Cheryl said...

ur welcome:)