Sunday, July 25, 2010

Happy Cows?

This cow just looks mad.......

You know the commercial - Happy cows live in Ca.....My husbands family has a beef farm and I had always thought that these were happy cows in TN.....fields to graze in.....sunshine.....fresh water......grain.....all sounds pretty happy huh? Well I gotta a chance to see some pretty unhappy cows when they were separated from their moms this weekend. If you look hard at the picture - the dark blur across the field are the mamas and this is one of the 4 or 500 lb babies calling to his fact they were all calling 70 or 80 of them through out the night and the next day. We had to leave - they may still be calling. I felt really bad but it is a process that they have to go through to get them ready for the sell in a few weeks. And I'm pretty sure that some of them will end up as a hamburger pattie or a steak dinner on someones plate. Makes me really think twice about my meat consumption! So if these cows could talk I think that for the most part they would say that they are happy cows - but right now they are going through a pretty unhappy time....


Teresa Young said...

Such a sad, sad life, the life of a cow. And yes, that cow looks really mad!!

Cheryl said...

I know:(