Friday, July 9, 2010


A list of all the many reasons why I love my gorgeous daughter:
she is loving!
she is sweet!
she is kind!
she is oh so funny!
She can be so silly:)
She makes me laugh!
She is an awesome and tender mom!
She loves her husband!
She loves her family!
She loves the Lord!
She is a great listener!
She is a great friend!
She has wonderful taste in clothes...
She loves to shop (I spend way too much when she comes to town) but I like it:)
She has great taste in about anything!
She is an excellent cook!
(and she shares)...I could easily blame at least 5lbs of my fat on her:)
I'm so thankful for my daughter...She is such a joy in my life and I can't imagine life without her....Her smile lights up the room and warms my heart......I have 4 wonderful children and I'm thankful for them all...they all have individual and beautiful spirits....Being a mother is such a blessing - never easy but oh so worth it!!!
I love you Danielle:)


TC23 said...

Lame :)

MH said...

Thomas you are lame:) Thanks mom...this made me tear up! I love you very much!!

Jen said...

cute picture of Danielle! We love her, too....MOVE CLOSER TO HOME!!!