Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Even my hubby notices an interesting picture opportunity....

My husband and I were standing in the kitchen the other day and he said "You know - that would make an interesting picture - look how the tomatoes are reflecting in your mixer bowl" I kind of went about my business and didn't really look right away but then when I took a glance - I thought he was right - All I see when I see those tomatoes on the counter is a day of canning - hot - messy - and time consuming. He saw a beautiful colorful reflection......It made me think of all the times I've maybe overlooked "a pretty picture" or a special moment because I'm too preoccupied to notice.....You know the old saying - "Stop and smell the roses" Who's got time to do that? I guess we just have to make the time! Something I need to work on for sure:)

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