Monday, August 23, 2010

And the war is still on........

I've caught a dozen brown recluse since the last time the bug man sprayed - (about a month ago)! Today he's coming back at 2:00 - and I'm moving everything that I can possibly move for him to spray behind or under.....gonna be a lot of hard work but I'm gonna win this war if it kills me! I hate spiders and right now I feel like I'm living in a nightmare - every hair that touches my arm - or every itch is a possible creepy spider coming to get me.....Yikes!! I just really want a new house!!!

Gotcha!!! One less little monster running around my house!!!

This is my living room literally turned upside down and yes there was a live one under one of the couches and my knight in shining armor smashed it with his bare hands.....that in my book is bravery beyond measure:)

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