Saturday, August 21, 2010

Turn around and he's a man.......

Where does time go? - I wanted to pull up some baby pictures of my son Thomas but due to time constictions I just couldn't get to them. I'm so proud of the man - husband - father and son that he has become. Seems like only yesterday I was holding him as a little baby boy with hair that stuck straight up - in fact a random lady at the store said "Oh - He's so cute - He looks like a baby orangutan!" I've always thought that baby monkeys are almost as cute as baby humans so the comment didn't bother me in the least:) He just got cuter and cuter as the years went by and now he's sure a handsome young man!
This is even cute.....He's so funny and makes me laugh!!!

He's such a great dad! - The joy of being a father is all over his face:)

Those arms wrapped around those little guys are arms of love and protection.....

He's an artist!! He can shape a couch out of a bush!!

He's a great son!

I know it's hard to notice the proud papa in the background with such a cute face in the forefront but he's there!!
I'm so thankful for Thomas and the joys he brings to this family. He has such a big heart and can give the best hugs....he is so organized and knows how to get things done...he's a great shopper - can spot a bargain a mile away....he's a hard worker and if he says he's going to do something - he does it....he loves his family..he's a great brother to his siblings....he has a beautiful smile....he along with his gorgeous wife read the scriptures to their boys to teach them correct principles to live by.....
I love you Thomas and I wish you all lived closer so that we could enjoy you more often! but I guess we just have to take what we can get right now - we sure enjoyed our visit with you guys and can't wait for you guys to come and visit us soon!!!!


TC23 said...

Thank you, Momma! You just made my day with all of those nice things you wrote about me. It's about time I got my own blog post! Sorry... I don't know where that came from. Love you and can't wait to see you in Indiana soon!

Cheryl said...

Love you too:)