Friday, June 4, 2010

Today I'm thankful for fun projects - I tried my hand at making a small rock fountain. I'm still not sure if I'm perfectly happy with it. The visible cord bothers me so I may end up putting it in a different corner to hide it. I enjoyed making it but I think I strained my back carrying it inside and putting it on the table:) It's very heavy! Eventually I'll redo it and put some kind of light filler in the bottom and rocks on top of that to make it lighter. It's a fun project and I love the sound of water as long as it sounds like a creek and not a drippy faucet. Reminds me of my younger years when we used to live by a creek and the times that we went up to the Tellico mountains in Tennessee and played in the river searching for the perfect river rock - Now it's off to doctor my back and take some kind of pain reliever! It was so worth it!!!