Monday, June 28, 2010

This is my mom and I'm so thankful for her. These are just a few of the things that I love about this woman......
She is kind
She is compassionate
She is strong
She is a woman of faith
She taught me to be strong in my faith no matter what others say or think about you
She never complains (and she's had plenty of health issues that I certainly wouldn't blame her for complaining about)
She is a woman of gratitude
She is virtuous
She loves God
She loves my dad
She loves her kids
She loves her grandkids
She loves her great grandkids
She loves her two poodles
She even loves her chickens
She laughs at my jokes
She loves loves LOVES babies!
She loves chocolate
She ALWAYS respects others
She loves to serve
I think she is the most beautiful woman I know - inside and out! She is my mom - she is my friend and she is my BIGGEST FAN. I know that I can count on her no matter what to always love me and be there for me.... She has taught me all of these things by her wonderful example - She is a shining light in my life and I'm so thankful to still have her with me here on this earth....
I love you Mom:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks baby - you are all those things and much more to me-I appreciate you more than you know and your Dad and I are so proud to call you our daughter. We could not have been blessed more with you coming into our family.