Monday, June 28, 2010

This is my mom and I'm so thankful for her. These are just a few of the things that I love about this woman......
She is kind
She is compassionate
She is strong
She is a woman of faith
She taught me to be strong in my faith no matter what others say or think about you
She never complains (and she's had plenty of health issues that I certainly wouldn't blame her for complaining about)
She is a woman of gratitude
She is virtuous
She loves God
She loves my dad
She loves her kids
She loves her grandkids
She loves her great grandkids
She loves her two poodles
She even loves her chickens
She laughs at my jokes
She loves loves LOVES babies!
She loves chocolate
She ALWAYS respects others
She loves to serve
I think she is the most beautiful woman I know - inside and out! She is my mom - she is my friend and she is my BIGGEST FAN. I know that I can count on her no matter what to always love me and be there for me.... She has taught me all of these things by her wonderful example - She is a shining light in my life and I'm so thankful to still have her with me here on this earth....
I love you Mom:)

Monday, June 21, 2010

When we first moved here I did not like this rolling hills like eastern Tennessee....and no beautiful beaches or palm trees like the panhandle of Florida. After living here for a few years I started to see the beauty in my surroundings and this is just one of them. Beautiful wheat feilds - gorgeous sunsets (which someday I may have a chance to get a photo of) and even the corn fields catch my eye. I have come to realize that there is beauty everywhere - sometimes you just have to open your eyes and look for it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

This is the view from the east side of our home - Corn fields everywhere - They really are quite gorgeous - The corn is big here! We had 3 of our horses get out a few summers ago when the corn was at its peak and they were out for hours in the corn field playing hide and seek from us and a few neighbors and the sherriff. I was so frustrated at them that I told the sherriff (kidding of course) to shoot them on sight:) My husband came home and after 30 minutes - a four-wheeler and a bucket of corn - he had them right back in the barn!! I'm so glad I married a cowboy!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Okay - I have to admit I did not see this one coming as I'm squatting with my new camera taking a picture of this little guy "innocently" playing in the water. He sent me running and yes he got me and the camera wet but all is well - no harm done. I learned my lesson - Never underestimate a 2 year old!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thanks to my friend who shares homegrown fresh raspberries and recipes I made this delicious Trifle...It was very easy and delicious - I have to say though that it was much - much better the second day!! If you want the recipe just let me know:)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Friday when I was running for the basement I didn't realize until I had a knock at the door a couple of hours later that our chicken coop had blown over the fence and our dogs were out. As you can see a so called part of a tree is down. I'm really thankful that a nice lady who was from another state was kind enough to take the time and knock on my door to let me know. If she hadn't it would have only been a matter of time before the horses saw their escape hatch:) I don't like chasing down horses! Thanks nice lady that I don't remember your name - You saved my day and our animals!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Nope - this is not a broken down piece of junk clogging up our barn - It's our mower! - and I'm not joking - I just almost finished mowing our yard with it about an hour ago before this huge storm blew in causing me to run for my life to the house - scoop up the dog and head for the basement all along thinking of "Oz" and calling for Auntie Em! We bought the mower about 5 years ago for $150.00 thinking we might get a year or two out of it. It has lost it's hood and has bailing string tied to it to hold up the guard so the grass doesn't get caught and clog it up but she just keeps on going. She ain't pretty but she gets the job done! Everytime she starts I say a prayer of gratitude. The little bird - he's just a little guy that got caught in the storm - sopping wet - a little disoriented - maybe looking for his mommy.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Have you ever walked up to a beautiful blooming rose - lean your nose into it - take a sniff expecting to smell its sweet aroma only to smell nothing at all?? This may not be the most gorgeous rose of all but I so wish you could lean into the computer and actually smell it! It's called Sweet Juliet. I've had this rosebush in my backyard for maybe 8 years. It is the sweetest rose I've ever smelled! It comes in for a close second to my favorite flower - (gardenia). I've always said that if we ever move south enough I'm planting my yard full of them!! But this sweet smeller will definetely do for now:)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

If you look closely at the photos above you can see something that I used to as a young mother see as a nuisance and quickly hit with the windex. But as a Nana I now see something that brings tears to my eyes and warms my heart. (an adorable little hand print) A gift left by a sweet grandchild after his last visit. I don't know which one and don't really care - they are all so wonderful. As I walk by the glass door and see what I see now - it's not a nuisance at all - I see visions of precious little hands and adorable little smiles and I hear little voices that I love calling my name. Wow how things can change - No windexing today! I'll enjoy this beautiful picture for as long as I can!

Monday, June 7, 2010

We had such a fun and busy weekend! Lots of laughter (some crying), water fun, wedding fun, food fun = Family Fun:) I'm so thankful for my family! They are loving - they are funny - they are adorable - they are kind - they love the Lord - they love their children and their spouses - and I love them more than I can put to words - so I'll let some of my pictures do the talking......... We missed you Thomas - Macy and Logan:(

Friday, June 4, 2010

Today I'm thankful for fun projects - I tried my hand at making a small rock fountain. I'm still not sure if I'm perfectly happy with it. The visible cord bothers me so I may end up putting it in a different corner to hide it. I enjoyed making it but I think I strained my back carrying it inside and putting it on the table:) It's very heavy! Eventually I'll redo it and put some kind of light filler in the bottom and rocks on top of that to make it lighter. It's a fun project and I love the sound of water as long as it sounds like a creek and not a drippy faucet. Reminds me of my younger years when we used to live by a creek and the times that we went up to the Tellico mountains in Tennessee and played in the river searching for the perfect river rock - Now it's off to doctor my back and take some kind of pain reliever! It was so worth it!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

This is a picture of my mom and dad that hangs in my mom's home over her fireplace - I'm so thankful for such wonderful parents.................
Today I was cleaning the tub and I noticed a hair on the side - I was just about to throw a cup of water on it when I noticed something interesting....

It's a perfect cursive letter R - I thought it was worth sharing and it made me think of my dad - (Ralph). I know that's strange but other than the fact that I was first fascinated by this hair writing - I was immediately reminded of a man I love dearly whose name started with this letter. Today and everyday I'm thankful for my dad - A man who helped teach me (along with my wonderful mom) to always try to be a good - honest - loving and faithful work hard and to never give up. Even though he left this earth more that 10 years ago - He has been and will always be a great influence in my life. I look forward to reuniting with him someday. I know my mom is too - but we hope that's not for sometime yet - we want to keep her around for as long as we can:) I Love you Mom and Dad!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This is one of the flowers in Susie's garden.

Just got back from a short run - I was hot - I was sticky and I was wishing I had a third lung but I can actually say it was enjoyable. That's because I'm lucky enough to have a friend to exercise with. We have jogged outside and inside the gym - lifted weights together - taken a few exercise classes - done some yoga - biked - shared some workout dvd's - shared some healthy recipes and some yummy but not so healthy ones:) - solved global issues - complained a little and laughed a lot! Today I'm thankful for Susie - She is also an awesome gardener! - flowers - berries - and veges and she shares:)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I love horses! - always have.... My Dad bought us several ponies as I was growing up and I loved each one of them! I know it sounds really strange but I don't even think that horse poop stinks. This is Petey and I think he's the most beautiful horse I've ever seen. He's so sweet and anyone can usually ride him. I love to ride but don't really make the time or have the time much lately but I'm really thankful to my Heavenly Father for creating such gorgeous animals for us to care for and enjoy:)