Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Some random photos of lately.....

Aunt Danielle giving Bryce some love.....

Macy and her little sweet Camden - Doesn't she look like she adores him?

And how can you not????

Little fashionista........

Reese caught Camden just before he fell back and bumped his little noggin.... By the look on his face I think he was worried about him....

Reese is making sure the fall doesn't happen again and Logan has his little arm around Josie - How sweet and What a crew - all ready for church:)

There is a story behind this - Logan is in time-out and I plopped Reese and Josie down while Mom was getting Camden ready and look at the look on his face - time-out is serious business....no interuptions aloud and no smiling aloud either. Love the way Reese is cheesing it.....


TC23 said...

Love the pictures! Logan hates timeout, but he takes it like a champ!

Danielle said...

I need copies of these pictures!

Cheryl said...

I'll email them to you...