Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is this guy for real?

This is a picture of a man named Stephen on my favorite show Survivor - Yes - He runs around in pink mens underwear.....He's actually hunting for a crawdad or something like that with pinchers.....I love to watch this show! - the dynamics of people trying to survive on an island for over a month - My brother says that they are not actually surviving they are dying. (You should see how some of them shrivel up!) They eat fish if they can catch it and whatever fruit is on the trees and sometimes they compete and win food. But my question is "Is this guy for real or what?" Is he playing a part or is he just that crazy? - He says he was a special agent for the federal government and he cracks me up when he says that he can always determine whether some one is lying or telling the truth....Wish I had that gift! This is such a random post....but it was on my mind...I guess you just have to watch it to know what the heck I'm talking about:)

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