Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It's Jackson's turn........
J is for jolly and jobless (he is a little young and J is a hard one to come up with)
A is for awesome and always gives me sweet hugs when he first sees me.(love those!!)
C is for caring, cute, and candy (he loves it)
K is for kind and kamazing.....(another hard one)
S is for sweet, silly scittle eater.....
O is for obsessed with the wii!! (He is amazing on Mario Cart)
N is for nice and never boring!!
You put a smile on my face Jackson,
Love you!!
Oh and he loves babies - even little girl babies......


Jen said...

Love how you edited that picture of J & J!

Brookeanne said...

Is someone using Lightroom ;)?! How much do you love that program :)? REALLY great pictures!

Cheryl said...

Thanks guys - No I actually used my Elements to edit - I'm getting a little more familiar with it:) The more I use it the easier it is but I'm not getting much of anything else done around here.....That's okay - it'll wait!

Rachel Mohr said...

Wow!! I love this picture of Jackson and Josie!! He has such a sweet heart!! Travis & Jen are great parents.

Danielle said...

Love that picture of Jackson and Josie!