Monday, February 28, 2011


He can be serious....Which is really cute.
He can be shy which is evener cuter.....

He can smile so sweet for Nana even though he is probably tired of this picture thing already.....

What do I love about Bryce.....
He's loves loves loves his mom....
He is so cute....
He gives great hugs....
He has the sweetest laugh and he laughs a lot....
He loves his dad and big brothers....
He's not too sure yet about the new one coming but he has a big heart and room for a baby brother in there....
He makes friends easy with other little people....
He eats his carrots even when his brothers sneak and put there carrots on his plate because they want to get back to their favorite cartoon. (Oh yes you did Triston and Jackson - Nana saw you:)
Did I mention that he's a mama's boy?
He loves to dance and he's quite good at it.
He's smart.
He hates it when Nana smooches on his neck. But I do it anyway
If you give him love pats on his butt - he'll get you back.
He's a big boy that just happens to wear little britches.
And as you can see he is absolutely adorable.
We love our Brycer!!!


Jen said...

Cutest kid in the world!

Rachel Mohr said...

He is too stinkin' cute!!