Friday, February 18, 2011

Wrestling Grandsons.....

Yesterday we had the chance to go and see Triston and Jackson participate in their new sport. I have seen hundreds of basketball games and football games and I can tell you what's going on in them but I don't know Jack about this sport.....I was a little hesitant but it turned out to be pretty exciting but I have to say I was disturbed when I saw Triston get his arm twisted and he also told us the kid choked him! They did so well and tried so hard and were so quick and I think they enjoyed it even though they both lost their matches. The boys that they are wrestling have more experience on pinning down so as soon as Jackson and Triston have a few more matches under their belt - Watch out...

Jackson listening to the coach who happen to be young men that Michael went to school with that wrestled volunteering their time to coach.

Squaring up?

Is Jackson smiling??

Love the expression on the other kids face....

Last minute tips from coach.....

You can see by Tristons face he is really putting his all into this...

Getting consoled from dad and mom was also their to give him a hug and comfort....

Can't wait til the next meet! My little sweet Grandmother Robbins loved to watch wrestling on TV - I think she would really love this....


Danielle said...

Wish I could have been there!

Jen said...

Thanks for getting such great pictures! They sure were wore out by the end of it!

TC23 said...

Next stop... MMA.

Cheryl said...

what's mma?

TC23 said...

Mixed Martial Arts.

Edith Kile said...

That is so cool. I can tell that they will excell at this sport and log lots of practice time at home. Great job with keeping us up to date Nanna.