Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh the memories!

I was able to go and help Triston out this week - making ginger bread houses at school - the same school that three of my kids went to when they were little! Talk about a strange feeling - now I'm here with a grandchild! Where did the time go??? Anyway - after standing there for a few minutes trying to recover from the shocking feeling - we got busy and it was a blast.....

Talk about candy heaven............

Everything was neatly organized for their project......

Can't you just feel the concentration..........

And what a yummy looking house!!! and a proud little man!!!!

This was the funnest part.....The teacher told them they could eat the candy and cookies that were left when they finished their house and Triston didn't waste any time on that.....I wished I was a kid!!!!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

That looks fun! We never got to do anything like that in school. That's cool you were able to go with him.