Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Trying to get the perfect Christmas photo....

You know the one where all the little ones are looking somewhere toward the camera.....Getting all of our little ones to stay still for a few seconds takes a village but it sure was a lot of fun...we were up to the challenge!

Logan sure loves his little cousin Josie - he just wants to hug her and squeeze her:)

We got a few hiny shots......

I know what this looks like but really he's just holding her head up so she can smile for the camera:)

Another hiny shot.......

Looks impossible.............

But we did it....Look at those little sweet angels....I just love being a Nana and am so blessed to have these little people in my life!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I went to one of the boys basketball games on Saturday thinking that I might get some good action shots.....but this is where most of the action took place......They are so cute but so little - It was fun and hard to watch all at the same time. Jackson got a bloody nose by the boy in the gray shirt that is on top of Triston in the above picture but he got him back with a sly throw to the face when he was throwing the ball in......Coach Dad was mortified but I think he must have forgotten about all the shananigans that he used to pull on the basketball court....I remember watching the fans from the other team (I'm talking all the fans - parents included) in one of his junior high school games give him a standing ovation when he finally fouled out of the game:) Oh yes.....the memories.....payback time coach!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

If you haven't noticed - I just love taking pictures of my grandyoungins - I think they are the cutest kids in the world! Logan's watching a little Disney while sitting at the table trying to choke down some breakfast. He's not much into eating - He's too busy for that - Wish I was more like him......

He's such a ham and notices that Nana's got that dang camera out again and gives me a sweet smile.....
Gotta love em:)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Welcome Home Michael??

Well some things have sort of changed around here - I'd kind of forgotten what it's like to have a teenager - okay - 20 year old around. He's really good about keeping it all in his room but "his" room doesn't look like it did when it was the guest room - unless one of the other kids came home and that's another story.....

Notice the tennies over the vent airing out - I taught him that one......

Okay when I saw this my first reaction was "No stinkin way!" but then I had to laugh and take a picture.....Does that mean that maybe I'm maturing??

Yep - that's a to do list............ written right on the desk.....
it's the new craze......

I just couldn't crush the proud little boy in him....
"Look mom....I built a desk...whatcha think?"
We do have a desk for him in the basement - he's just not into moving them - just making them.....

Some things will never change......I'm so happy he's home!!! really I am!!!...all my little chickies are closer together now:)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh the memories!

I was able to go and help Triston out this week - making ginger bread houses at school - the same school that three of my kids went to when they were little! Talk about a strange feeling - now I'm here with a grandchild! Where did the time go??? Anyway - after standing there for a few minutes trying to recover from the shocking feeling - we got busy and it was a blast.....

Talk about candy heaven............

Everything was neatly organized for their project......

Can't you just feel the concentration..........

And what a yummy looking house!!! and a proud little man!!!!

This was the funnest part.....The teacher told them they could eat the candy and cookies that were left when they finished their house and Triston didn't waste any time on that.....I wished I was a kid!!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Music Box Dancer - Piano - Stereo

This is a tune that we used to hear a lot on tv when I was younger - back in the 70's I believe - For two days now me my mom and brother have been racking our brains trying to figure out what the name of it was. Larry started it - you know the "Hey do you remember that song? It goes something like this." And then you just can't get it off your mind until you finally figure it out - Well my mom figured out the artist and then I pulled up his tunes - started naming them off and "bam" there it was - "The Music Box Dancer". I posted it because it's such a sweet happy tune and I love it!! We need more happy tunes in our life:)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Granddads are grand....

Watching my husband holding this sweet grandchild brought back memories of watching my own dad with his big strong worn hands gently holding his little grandbabies...They loved to hear his deep voice and sometimes seemed quite mesmerized by him.....I love my dad and I loved my grandfathers and am so thankful for the time that I had to spend with them. Unfortunately my kids have lost all of their grandfathers and a couple of them at what I call a very young age - I know that someday we'll see them again and be able to catch up on all they've been up to - In the meantime I'll enjoy watching and snapping pictures of this wonderful granddaddy loving on these precious little ones.