Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pumpkin Farm - Corn Maze and 2 year olds:)

I went with my daughter - her two little ones and my daughter-in-law and her two little ones to a pumpkin farm last week. I thought I would share a few kodak moments. The two year olds get so excited about the smallest of things and have such a fun time together....
This is Reese and Logan inside of the corn teepee - so excited to just be there!! This is just a mili-second before Logan playfully gave my camera a little love smack...(Don't get on to him Thomas - he was just so happy!!)

Running around the pumpkins..............

At the top of the pipe slide that was in the coooool.......

Macy and Logan right before they came down....Don't worry Macy I didn't post your graceful landing:)

This was their first time looking down and I think Josie looks the most worried!! A few moments after this was snapped Danielle set the boys up at the top one at a time and sent them down even though they resisted ever so slightly........they went down one more time each but then were done........

Camden is not happy and Josie is confused as to why not!!

These were our guides through the corn maze............

Logan and Reese took turns deciding which way we should turn.........

No problems taking the lead here....they were so confident that they could get us out...........

And so they did................

I love fall with all the colors - all the pumpkins - the decorations - the cooler weather! - the smells - and all the fun things you can do like go to the pumpkin farm with some very cool kidos.............


TC23 said...

Nice pictures! I wish I could've been there! Logan does get a little too excited sometimes and just slaps the closest thing to him... so, sorry about that, ha!

Cheryl said...

Wish you could have been there too - We sure missed you! I knew Logan was just excited - He's such a fun little guy to be around!!

Danielle said...

We had a lot of fun too! Thanks for thinking of the idea mom.