Thursday, October 28, 2010

Grandmother Morgan:)

My dad's mom - my wonderful 91 yr old grandmother (sorry I hope it's okay that I just gave away your age:)
What a beautiful woman you are.... you have taught me so much by your example! Thank you Grandmother for having a strong faith in God and not being afraid to share it. Thank you for always being kind -nonjudgemental (not sure that's a word but you know what I mean). Thank you for welcoming and showing such love and attention to all who enter your home. I love sitting in your living room listening to the stories that you tell and the wisdom that you have to offer. I know that sometimes you don't feel so great but thank you for always having a smile on your face - positive and uplifting words and always a warm embrace. Thank you for all the many meals that you have prepared and for all the crafts that you have shared - Thank you for patiently teaching me how to knit and to crochet when I was a young mother. Thank you for raising your son to be such a wonderful and loving father. Thank you for being you!!!
I love you.....

1 comment:

Danielle said...

And a wonderful Great Grandmother and Great Great Grandmother as well:) Love you Grandmother Morgan!