Thursday, October 21, 2010

Flag Football Fun!

I can say without a doubt - I have spent more time than I ever dreamed at sports events! With 4 athletic and active kids I did my share of hauling them and their friends to games or to and from practices- taking care of snacks - making sure uniforms are cleaned and ready - making sure cleats are just the right size so the toes don't get smooshed - the basketball shoes have plenty of support for the ankle and foot - last minute mad hunts for baseball gl0ves - soccer socks or volleyball kneepads often sent me over the edge! That part of my life is over - I have some good memories and some that I would just rather the times that my kids have been hurt during their games or practice such as: concussions - split open lower gut (yeah that was a first and last)- and not to mention the hyperextended knee and the broken bone or two! I can say that I would not go back given the chance - I like where I am right now - It was stressful and fun but exhausting!!! Now watching the grandkids play? - that's where it is! No hassles - no worry (except the possibly getting hurt worry) no rushing - just go and take a few pictures - give a few high fives and smile because you know you're not going to have to wash that uniform!

This is Triston getting ready for the play............
Look at the speed and concentration!!!!

Yes he is awesome! - he got the flag and then went on to get a few more! It looks like it's going to be a busy life for mom!!


TC23 said...

Thanks for being such a great Mom! I know we put you through a lot... you helped us through all the rough times and celebrated with us during the good times! Love you! :)

Danielle said...

I have a memory...remember when I broke my ankle and you said I was being a baby? Haha! Probably cause you had to deal with us being hurt a lot. Triston is awesome at flag football. I got to see him play while I was home and he is fast!

Cheryl said...

Yeah - I felt so bad when the Doctor said in his professional physician language after he cut off your sock - "HOLY COW!" Wouldn't trade it for nothing....Love you guys!!