Wednesday, March 30, 2011


My favorite seven year old.....

T: Tenacious

R: rambunctious - respectful

I: incredibly intelligent

S: smart and sensitive

T: totally cool

O: obviously gorgeous!

N: nice - not nerdy - neat - not a nose picker - noble and nifty!!

Love my favorite seven year old grandson!!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Family + Florida = Fun

I visited family in Florida last week with Danielle and her two youngins and boy did it go fast!!......I think that my mom enjoyed having us but probably breathed a huge sigh of relief when we left - having a couple of little ones around can be life changing to say the least even when they are really good they are really busy!!

Danielle and Ashlyn created this beauty - Chocolate covered cherry cake......
Martha Stewart and Bakerella hard at work.....
Danielle hijacked Grandmothers ipad and reeeeeeally wants one Michael:)
We did go to the park one day - The weather was gorgeous.....We also went to the beach but didn't want to take my good camera and my point and shoot has died...but it was beautiful and fun - take my word for it.....Reese loved the water even though it was cold - Josie wouldn't have any thing to do with the sand or water - she was pretty stressed out about it so she did what her Nana does when she gets stressed - she sat on the blanket and ate snacks..... I actually got to go one day with Carol - just me and her and no kids - that was a huge treat..........I could hear kids off in the distance but could relax because I wasn't the one responsible for keeping them from drowning:)
It was very windy at the park....We didn't stay too long - Josie couldn't catch her breath!
Took time to relax - so nice....Danielle finally finished reading Hunger Games and clued me in on what happened in the last book - loved the first two but just couldn't make myself finish the last one....

Okay Taylor my gorgeous, sweet, always happy made the blog!!!! Thanks for letting me tag along on your photo shoot with your personal professional photographer - AKA - mom...AKA Misty - my sister-in-law who happens to be my photography question go to person....

We did so much more there that I didn't get pics of- but have great memories to cherish. Can't wait to go back.....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It's Jackson's turn........
J is for jolly and jobless (he is a little young and J is a hard one to come up with)
A is for awesome and always gives me sweet hugs when he first sees me.(love those!!)
C is for caring, cute, and candy (he loves it)
K is for kind and kamazing.....(another hard one)
S is for sweet, silly scittle eater.....
O is for obsessed with the wii!! (He is amazing on Mario Cart)
N is for nice and never boring!!
You put a smile on my face Jackson,
Love you!!
Oh and he loves babies - even little girl babies......

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I was informed by my sister that if I was going to feature one of my grandchildren - I need to feature them all.....No problem - I could talk about these guys until the cows come home (we don't have any cows so that means I guesss that means forever)
L is for lovable and loves to laugh -
O is for organizer - Oh so cute!
G is for go - go - go (he is a busy boy)
A is for (awesome big brother!)
N is for Nana's little man....
Logan is such a joy and so fun to hang around with. Always in such a good happy mood and never a dull moment. I enjoy watching him and his enthusiasm for life.
Love our Logan!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is this guy for real?

This is a picture of a man named Stephen on my favorite show Survivor - Yes - He runs around in pink mens underwear.....He's actually hunting for a crawdad or something like that with pinchers.....I love to watch this show! - the dynamics of people trying to survive on an island for over a month - My brother says that they are not actually surviving they are dying. (You should see how some of them shrivel up!) They eat fish if they can catch it and whatever fruit is on the trees and sometimes they compete and win food. But my question is "Is this guy for real or what?" Is he playing a part or is he just that crazy? - He says he was a special agent for the federal government and he cracks me up when he says that he can always determine whether some one is lying or telling the truth....Wish I had that gift! This is such a random post....but it was on my mind...I guess you just have to watch it to know what the heck I'm talking about:)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Some random photos of lately.....

Aunt Danielle giving Bryce some love.....

Macy and her little sweet Camden - Doesn't she look like she adores him?

And how can you not????

Little fashionista........

Reese caught Camden just before he fell back and bumped his little noggin.... By the look on his face I think he was worried about him....

Reese is making sure the fall doesn't happen again and Logan has his little arm around Josie - How sweet and What a crew - all ready for church:)

There is a story behind this - Logan is in time-out and I plopped Reese and Josie down while Mom was getting Camden ready and look at the look on his face - time-out is serious interuptions aloud and no smiling aloud either. Love the way Reese is cheesing it.....