Monday, September 27, 2010

God's Country.........

Grandma holding baby Camden:)

Boys will be boys and climb the rocks.....

Camden had a tummy ache.......

That water was ice cold and Logan loved it...I don't know how he could stand it!

This is a waterfall not far from where I grew up in east tennessee....We were able to go up to the mountains with family a few weeks ago. It was a wonderful time just driving on the curvy roads up to the falls and then on to the fish hatchery which was fascinating to us all especially the two year old.


Danielle said...

Wish we could have been there with everyone. I have a lot of great memories of our family driving in the mountains.

TC23 said...

Nice pictures! That was so much fun!

Cheryl said...

That was fun Thomas:) - Wish you guys could have been there too Danielle:)