Friday, September 24, 2010

The simple things in life are the sweetest!!

Yesterday I got to watch 3 of my grandsons and instead of just sending them to the basement to become "wii" brains - we actually loaded up in my little honda with 3 carseats in the back (what a chore and tight fit-i worked up quite a sweat just getting them in the car!!!) and headed out on an adventure in the "foe est" as Bryce put it. (forest:) in case you didn't get my toddler word spelling.....We went to New Harmony and had the funnest time at the Labyrinth playing hide and go seek and seeing who could get to the tower in the middle first.... when we first got there I told the boys that if they go too far into the Labyrinth the bushes are so high that I won't be able to see them and they could get lost - well Jackson (the one in red) must have not heard me........(?) because as soon as he got out of the car he was off and within just a few minutes I heard terrified and I mean terrified screaming coming from deep within the bushes (now the labyrinth is really not that big to an adult or scary but to a little guy it must have been horrifying!!! This is what I a blood curdling screaming voice"NANA...I'M LOST - I CAN'T FIND YOU - WHERE ARE YOU-NANA - I'M LOST - HELP !!!!!- NANA!!!!! - HELP!!!! HELP!!!!NANAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!"
I guess because I knew he wasn't in any real danger of being lost forever - I was doubled over laughing...I looked over at his big brother Triston and he was crackin up too!!! Does this mean I'm a bad Nana??? When Jackson finally took a breath and I was able to speak through the laughter I yelled back to him "JACKSON - HOLD UP YOUR ARMS SO I CAN SEE WHERE YOU ARE"
All I could barely see was the very tips of his fingers which was even more hilarious!!! I told him to stay put and I sent big brother to the rescue - he went right under the bushes straight to him and when they got back - Jackson still had a horrified look on his face showered with some gratitude and Triston was still laughing and said "I will remember that forever"!!!
Memories!!!! LOVE THOSE BOYS!!!!

Jackson - Triston and Bryce - at the tower in the middle of Labyrinth...

Nothing like spinning your brother around until he's almost sick....
He did ask for it though:)

Love those adorable freckles..............

What a cutey.............

They really are buddies..............

I turned around and Jackson was holding this thing and said - "Look what I found" just beaming with pride.........Of course my germ ocd kicked in and I said yuck...put that down!!! It is pretty cool though! Not sure what it is - Clarence said squirrel but it was much bigger that a squirrel head is.....

"Hey Nana....wook at this big stick I found"
(just thankful it was not another skeleton)

Sliding down a big dirt hill....sorry mom - that's how they got such dirty butts.....

I only let them do it 3 or 4 times - Bryce opted out (don't think he's as daring as his big brothers are yet) and so did I (due to the expensive gap jeans I was wearing) but it sure did look like fun.....

The simple things in life....a trail in the woods....a stick to swing......a treasure to find (even if it is dead)....a swing to swing on and a story to tell about a little boy who once got lost in a maze.....

1 comment:

Danielle said...

That's a hilarious story! I could picture all of it...especially Jackson's finger tips:)