Friday, September 17, 2010

Trip to Florida:)

Apryl and her buddie Rambo....

Opie and Samson (betcha can't figure out which one is which)

Opie can hold his own......

Taylors volleyball game - They won!! Go Gators!!!!

Fun in the sun!!! Destin Florida:) I really love the beach - it's one of my happy places!

My beach buddies......

My attempt at being creative.....The sky is definetely bluer down here!!!

love this view......
I'll be here one more day - tomorrow I run a 5K with my sister and two nieces - Jessica and Ashlyn. I'm the oldest so I really don't feel any pressure to beat the youngins but if I do -oh yes I will gloat!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Wish I was there with you!