Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Young Love:)

I had the opportunity to take some pictures of a young engaged couple this week......We went to New Harmony and spent just a little bit of time walking around - hanging out and snapping photos. (Just look at the way he looks at her and how she glows!) While watching them together - holding hands - smiling sweetly and gazing into each others eyes - it took me back to my first love...... I was smitten!....He was such a gentleman - so kind - my knight in shining armor. I adored that high school boy. his sparkly eyes- His smile - his sense of humor -his courage -and his beautiful perfectly winged head of hair....

fast forward 30 years...

four kids - (all grown up)....

8 grandkids?....(no way!)

hair mostly gone...

eyes still sparkle...

still full of courage...

Still oh so cute.....

I still love that smile....

and he still makes me laugh....

I guess I'm still smitten.....

Love my man:)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

That is a sweet post mom. Glad you still love my dad!