Sunday, May 1, 2011


Sometimes Mom's have to do "booger duty"

With Mother's Day coming up I had a few random thoughts. I am a mom but to me it's not a day to celebrate myself (even though I do enjoy the special treatment) it's a day to celebrate all the special mom's in my life and just mom's in general (and you don't have to bear children to be a mom - one of the most mothering people I know never gave birth to a child but she is a nurturer through and through - it's her nature) Being around my own sweet mother - my husband's sweet mom - my sisters and sister-in-laws, my daughter and my daughter-in-laws and all the little kiddos - I get to see lots of styles of mothering but the common denomenater is love - sweet, sweet love.....Being a mother is's service and I'm reminded by watching all that they do that it is endless, tiring, having to have extreme patience, caring, knowing when to discipline, knowing when to walk away, knowing when to laugh and having the courage to crash and cry. Jennifer after just having her fourth little boy last week...after enduring labor...afterbirth cramps...lack of sleep...nursing pains....running the baby back and forth to have bilirubin test...lack of sleep...and more lack of sleep - said,

"You know, I just can't believe the human race just keeps on growing like it does! This really is hard!"

It is hard....... but here's to short memories:)....Here's to all you mother's....Thank you for all you do - thank you for being selfless - thank you for loving me and for loving the people that I love. It's so wonderful to have a mom! and to be a mom! My mom is my biggest fan and I know that no matter what, she would never turn her back on me just as I would never turn my back on my own children. (no matter what!!) Here's love to you all:)


Rachel Mohr said...

Love this, Cheryl!! :)

Cheryl said...

Thanks Rachel - Hope you have a Happy Mothers Day:)

TC23 said...

Thanks, Momma! I feel like you were speaking directly to me. :-)

Danielle said...

Haha...that's funny what Jen said. Sweet post mom! Thanks for everything you do for us mom!