Friday, May 27, 2011

Our new little critter.....

Michael's girlfriend (Lauren's) mom found this little booger on Friday the 13th - laying in the road in the rain. An all black cat found on that day is a little ironic but she's adorable and oblivious to it all....She's now living in our barn (not sure how that happened) She has a name....Keeko...(not sure on the spelling of that one but the ee and the o are long sounding).....Not sure I really want to keep her (have some pretty bad pictures burned in my head of shoveling a few cats off the road and one that drowned in the horse water...oh yeah!.... and the one that got attacked in the middle of the night by a coyote right outside our bedroom window....(won't go into the details of that one but let me just say that it was a grim night) (My husband who is a professed cat disliker even liked that one...)

Look at how cute......she's even a little sneaky....she's scoping out our old blind dog Pennie...who has no clue that she's being stalked......

I guess I fell for that cute little face and those gorgeous green eyes.....

If it's true about cats and nine lives....Keeko as used up two...the day she was found and just the other night when a big storm was brewing Clarence pulled his truck into the garage shut the door and a few hours later we went out into the garage and there she was....meowing loudly and standing on one of the tires....the only way she could have gotten in is somehow in or on the truck.....a little too risky....maybe that should be her name!
Another little one to put on my prayer list........

1 comment:

TC23 said...

Kiko is a pretty cool kitty.