Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Photoshop discoveries....

Three buddies before.....
Since I bought my nice new camera I've been paying a lot of attention to pictures that people take and put on the internet on their blogs and I love to look at Flicker. I've oftened noticed that my pictures just don't pop like some do. I know I have a good camera - is it something I'm doing wrong? I've discovered that most pictures entered in contest or even just posted on blogs have been photoshopped....I'm just now learning the art (my camera is hard enough to figure out) but I have been playing around trying to sharpen colors and make them stand out a bit.....

After using PW Boost......



Before, pretty enough...

After....The greens are richer and the color of the flower is a bit more colorful...I really like more of a natural shot but it seems that whatever is in print or on the computer goes through an enhancement. I think there is definetly an art in making the picture better but not to look fake. I'm having fun working on a new form of art.

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