Saturday, September 10, 2011

When does life slow down???

This picture is a shot of inside Elvis's Graceland where he has some of his awards!!! We went to Memphis and spent a few fun days there a couple of weeks ago....What a busy man he was!

I haven't been on my blog seems that I've been so busy! I keep thinking that life has to slow down..only to realize that it is what it is because that's my choice. I must like to be busy...weird because I keep saying that I just want to say for once that, "I'm bored" I just don't even know what that feels like.....I've always told my kids after hearing them say it that only boring people get bored....Maybe that means I'm not boring!

My week went like this (as far as I can remember)

Monday....Pack up from a fun weekend in Tenn...say goodbye to two sweet little grandbabies...ride home for six hours....unpack....shower and crash.

Tuesday....Run walk 5.3 miles with for and prepare dinner for a family of 4....along with me and clarence...enchaladas, mexican rice and cupcakes....deliver dinner to fam - deliver some cupcakes to grandsons....come home eat, get a wonderful thank you call from some very sweet grandsons who said my cupcakes were delicious:) Thank u Betty Crocker!, then shower and crash.

Wednesday....Work cleaning a house for 3 hours....come some laundry....get ready go clean office for 4 hours come home eat, shower and crash.

Thursday....Run walk 5.3 miles with Susie...shower...go to evansville....return makeup at mall that broke me out....get groceries...come home....unload...fix dinner...shower and crash.

Friday....Pay bills....babysit two sweet grandsons....come home fix more laundry...shower and crash. at church at 8:00 on making quilts for emergency responders till 2:00...visit River Days booths in town....come home....clean out kitty on treadmill...bath....shave toenails and sunday school lesson....

and get on computer....

Of course there's the to fam and friends on phone time....potty time.....maybe a tv show time in there somewhere....(not sure though) read the mail....check Jenn's blog and now Danielle's...prayer time....scripture time (need to make this a priority)....oh yeah and "Hanging with friends time"

Now that I've bored you to death....if you actually made it to this part...I must say that my life is full - busy and I love it!!! I thank the Lord everyday for having the strength I need and the wonderful husband that supports me so that I can do the things I do. I may not have a room full of awards like Elvis but I do have my family! and they mean more to me that all the money or recognition or fame in this whole wide universe!! ....All this reflection of my week has me exhausted....Good night.


Jen said...

busy girl!

Edie Kile said...

I always said that you are awesome ~ now every one knows!