Sunday, July 24, 2011

Baseball when you're 7.....

A couple of weeks ago I had Triston and Jackson for a few days while mom and dad took a mini vacation.....I got to take Triston to his baseball game. It was soooooo hottttttttt out!! I was so glad that I didn't have to wear polyester pants! Those little guys are troopers. Did not hear one whiny or complainy word from Triston. He went out there and played hard.....everytime he was up to hit he did exactly that - all 4 times - and got on base everytime. (The outfield was a bit boring so he had to find something to do and the dirt was just so close and fun to run hands through).... He even finally got to score. I have to say that I was not really a huge happy was hot....I am middle aged which I am convinced can be fatal when combining a hot flash with high heat and humidity. I'm just saying.....Sounds like something to look into. I was glad I got to go...... just wish that they would play baseball during a cooler fall or early spring....even winter would have been better for me at the time.....

I just realized that I am really complaining right now....I saw a post on facebook the other day about how we complain about the heat but the soldiers overseas are wearing all of that gear and are outside all day in the really hot weather. I feel so bad for them and wish they could all come home! My life is really cushy right now compared to them. Really puts things into perspective.

Friday, July 15, 2011

My view.....

Finally feeling the need to post on my blog....I've been busy yet just not very interested in typing. This is my view in the evening when I crash myself into "my" chair which I'm not really sure how that happened except for the fact that my books and my magazines are all parked on the ottaman of "my" chair and the side table beside it. It's my favorite spot in my house. I even have my own tv remote beside me (sometimes I mess with the tv while Clarence sits on the couch with "his" remote...just if I'm feeling a little bored or mean) I have to admit that it's really nice to have a spot to sit and relax and enjoy the evening....which is what I'm doing right now:)