Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Not sure what I'm doing here but felt the need to start this blog. Don't know if anyone will ever see it or find it the least bit interesting but it is my life and I think this could be fun:) This picture is where it all started. I'm actually pregnant with my first child after being married for less than a year. We look so young - that's because we were both only 19! It's been almost 30 years since that picture was taken and after raising 4 beautiful children they have all flown the coop and most of the time it's just me and that wonderful man still standing beside me (a little older but still adorable). In this stage of my life I'm left to wonder what I should do with myself - I'm still a mother but really no one around to mother and that's what I've been doing for so long that I feel it's the only thing that I can do. Where do I go from here? - back to school? - start a business? - volunteer ?- etc..... I'm on a quest - I hope it leads me to where is best for me and my family:)

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