Thursday, February 9, 2012

Logan is such a big boy........

Today we got a visit from our wonderful daughter - in - law and our two grandsons.....Logan and Camden.  We had pizza for dinner - played some Mario Cart on the Wii - built a train track - played ball - gave baths and loved every minute of our time together.  The big announcement from Logan was the highlight of the evening.  He's so proud and has worked so hard to get to this place in his life.  Such a big boy!  The announcement......
"I stopped sucking my thumb!"
He worked really hard to get a sticker each day for 30 days and a promise to his favorite pizza restaurant....Chucky Cheese.
Good Job Logan!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Such a wonderful thought provoking quote......

Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”

― Alexander Pope

Friday, February 3, 2012

Beautiful Morning Sky.......

This morning I was working out early and this is what I had to run out and see and take a picture after the second person said...."Wow, the sky is gorgeous this morning!" and it was......

Saturday, September 10, 2011

When does life slow down???

This picture is a shot of inside Elvis's Graceland where he has some of his awards!!! We went to Memphis and spent a few fun days there a couple of weeks ago....What a busy man he was!

I haven't been on my blog seems that I've been so busy! I keep thinking that life has to slow down..only to realize that it is what it is because that's my choice. I must like to be busy...weird because I keep saying that I just want to say for once that, "I'm bored" I just don't even know what that feels like.....I've always told my kids after hearing them say it that only boring people get bored....Maybe that means I'm not boring!

My week went like this (as far as I can remember)

Monday....Pack up from a fun weekend in Tenn...say goodbye to two sweet little grandbabies...ride home for six hours....unpack....shower and crash.

Tuesday....Run walk 5.3 miles with for and prepare dinner for a family of 4....along with me and clarence...enchaladas, mexican rice and cupcakes....deliver dinner to fam - deliver some cupcakes to grandsons....come home eat, get a wonderful thank you call from some very sweet grandsons who said my cupcakes were delicious:) Thank u Betty Crocker!, then shower and crash.

Wednesday....Work cleaning a house for 3 hours....come some laundry....get ready go clean office for 4 hours come home eat, shower and crash.

Thursday....Run walk 5.3 miles with Susie...shower...go to evansville....return makeup at mall that broke me out....get groceries...come home....unload...fix dinner...shower and crash.

Friday....Pay bills....babysit two sweet grandsons....come home fix more laundry...shower and crash. at church at 8:00 on making quilts for emergency responders till 2:00...visit River Days booths in town....come home....clean out kitty on treadmill...bath....shave toenails and sunday school lesson....

and get on computer....

Of course there's the to fam and friends on phone time....potty time.....maybe a tv show time in there somewhere....(not sure though) read the mail....check Jenn's blog and now Danielle's...prayer time....scripture time (need to make this a priority)....oh yeah and "Hanging with friends time"

Now that I've bored you to death....if you actually made it to this part...I must say that my life is full - busy and I love it!!! I thank the Lord everyday for having the strength I need and the wonderful husband that supports me so that I can do the things I do. I may not have a room full of awards like Elvis but I do have my family! and they mean more to me that all the money or recognition or fame in this whole wide universe!! ....All this reflection of my week has me exhausted....Good night.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Baseball when you're 7.....

A couple of weeks ago I had Triston and Jackson for a few days while mom and dad took a mini vacation.....I got to take Triston to his baseball game. It was soooooo hottttttttt out!! I was so glad that I didn't have to wear polyester pants! Those little guys are troopers. Did not hear one whiny or complainy word from Triston. He went out there and played hard.....everytime he was up to hit he did exactly that - all 4 times - and got on base everytime. (The outfield was a bit boring so he had to find something to do and the dirt was just so close and fun to run hands through).... He even finally got to score. I have to say that I was not really a huge happy was hot....I am middle aged which I am convinced can be fatal when combining a hot flash with high heat and humidity. I'm just saying.....Sounds like something to look into. I was glad I got to go...... just wish that they would play baseball during a cooler fall or early spring....even winter would have been better for me at the time.....

I just realized that I am really complaining right now....I saw a post on facebook the other day about how we complain about the heat but the soldiers overseas are wearing all of that gear and are outside all day in the really hot weather. I feel so bad for them and wish they could all come home! My life is really cushy right now compared to them. Really puts things into perspective.

Friday, July 15, 2011

My view.....

Finally feeling the need to post on my blog....I've been busy yet just not very interested in typing. This is my view in the evening when I crash myself into "my" chair which I'm not really sure how that happened except for the fact that my books and my magazines are all parked on the ottaman of "my" chair and the side table beside it. It's my favorite spot in my house. I even have my own tv remote beside me (sometimes I mess with the tv while Clarence sits on the couch with "his" remote...just if I'm feeling a little bored or mean) I have to admit that it's really nice to have a spot to sit and relax and enjoy the evening....which is what I'm doing right now:)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Saying Goodbye.....

Pennie has been in our family for over 13 years - I can remember her as such a tiny little furry puppy - we loved her - My youngest teased her and My oldest said that she loved him the most- ....Her last year was pretty rough on her....she had gone blind....couldn't hear- had dimentia -and was losing weight fast....

She had an especially rough day a week ago Sunday with a seizure and a couple of hours of confusion and anxiety.

She wasn't eating or drinking on Sunday or Monday and so with the support of my mom being here I made the decision to call the vet and set up her last appointment on Tuesday.

It was a very long drive.....

Here are some Pennie memories...

she loved chasing and bringing back her little tennis balls

sometimes if no one would play she would nose it to the top of the stairs and roll it down just so she could go get it and bring it back up....

one of the first nights that Travis and her stayed home alone over night - he said that she sat on his chest while he tried to sleep shaking and growling all through the night looking around nervously like a booger was going to get them....

The night that Michael was home alone and heard her barking very loudly in the middle of the night - flipped on his light - then heard someone drive away...they didn't know someone was home obviously and drove through our front yard as they left....(she may have saved his life)

All the times she raced the kids in the front yard.....She was pretty fast in her younger days....

I just realized that this is the first time in many years that when I'm home alone - I'm really alone - no little doggie following me around - no kids - it's a very strange feeling....

Pennie was a part of our family - She went with us on vacations - (got car sick coming down the Smokey Mts) She was always here to greet us and love us unconditionally - She's very missed but I know that she is in a much better place..

Saying goodbye is hard to do.........